Monday, 26 April 2010

869. Grey Hobbs jumper, felted - thrown away.

868. Stripy rainbow wool socks, felted - thrown away.

Friday, 23 April 2010

867. Black pedestal mat, old and worn out - thrown away.

866. Blue pj trousers with stars pattern, elastic gone in the waistband - thrown away.

Monday, 19 April 2010

865. Cotton Cashmere sent to beadedknitter.

864. Lamb's Pride Worsted scraps and RAK to Wendywd.

863. Cotton Glace and RAK to mufasasmum.

Friday, 16 April 2010

862-861. 2 cuddly toys, one soft puppy, one quacking chick - donated.

860. Green smock top from Primark, makes me look pregnant - donated.

859. Blue avocado bowl - donated.

858. Fondue set - donated

857-856. 2 glasses shaped like coke cans - donated.

855-854. 2 mugs, one blue, one with a gypsy horse - donated.

853-852. 2 McDonalds toys - donated.

851-850. 2 double bed sheets, that are too small cos we have a king-size bed now - donated.

849. Half a carrier bag full of acrylic yarn and bits - thrown away.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

848. Empty Nesquik box that I was storing knitting bits in - thrown away.

847. Matchbox full of grotty buttons - thrown away.

846-843. 4 plates - thrown away.

842-841. 2 side plates - thrown away.

840. Ceramic bowl -thrown away.

839. Heart print knickers from Primark, fraying and can't be repaired - thrown away.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

838-836. 3 old tea towels, filthy and smelly, washing doesn't help! - thrown away.

835. Pink baby dress I knitted, don't like it anymore - thrown away.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

834. Purple lejaby bra with flower print, stretched and really uncomfy - thrown away.

833. Pretty white bra, underwire is poking out! - thrown away.

832-831. Two old grey pj tops, unflattering - thrown away.

Monday, 12 April 2010

830. Old grey shirt of Darrens, stained - thrown away.

829. White 4 ply acrylic - donated to charity.

828. Pink and white patterned brushed acrylic yarn - donated to charity.

827. Dark purple boucle yarn - donated to charity.

826. Mad Money DVD - donated to charity.

825. Family Knitting Book, bulky vintage book, I'm never going to knit anything out of this - donated to charity.

Friday, 9 April 2010

824-822. 3 sheets/duvet covers, old - thrown away.

821. Red pillowcase, old - thrown away.

820. Ball of wool, got coke spilled on it and not worth rescuing - thrown away.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

819. Purple designer knitted top, stretched beyond all recognition, I blame Krista and Isobel! - thrown away.

818. Old grey cardigan from Primark, pilled and stinky - thrown away.

817. White scarf with silver bits, falling to bits and unflattering - thrown away.

816. Old duvet - thrown away.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

815. 2 UKarma parcels sent out.

813. 3 freebie UK RAK parcels sent out.

810. 13 knitting mags - sold on ebay!
797-796. Two pairs of my old jeans, so frayed and faded - thrown away.

795. Darren ripped his favourite trousers! - thrown away.

794. Blue shirt of Darren's, horrible! - thrown away.