Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Yay! I have reached my target about 6 weeks late!

1000 - 998. 3 parcels to Pauline, Shelley and Kate on Rav.

997. Pirate plastic sword - thrown away.

996. Win Cinema DVD - donated.

995. Cabin Fever DVD - donated.

994. The Village DVD - donated.

993. I Know What You Did Last Summer DVD - donated.

992. Clarkson DVD - donated.

991. Legends of the Fall DVD - donated.

990. Plenty DVD - donated.

989. Big fake diamond ring - donated.

988. Pack of hairbands I won at the Skool Disco - donated.

987 - 986. 2 cheap mazes I won at the Skool Disco - donated.

985. P2 DVD - donated.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

984. Carrier bag full of out-of-date food from the kitchen cupboards - thrown away.

983. Harp music wedding CD that we didn't use for our wedding - thrown away.

982. Pumice stone, broken - thrown away.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

981. Washcloth knitted for Hannah's hen do handbag game, given to Hannah.

980. Old green Duffs belt, much loved, I think I've worn it for about 9 years! - broken - thrown away.