Thursday, 21 August 2008

37. Estee Lauder Perfume Sample which smells like grannies - donated.

36. L'oreal Eye shadow trio for green eyes which didn't really work for me, the colours were too sludgy, purple is way better! - thrown away.

35. Two little yellow duck soaps that were a bit old, one was broken- thrown away.

34. Pedometer with personal alarm inside which never really worked properly - donated.

33. Brand new pack of Men's hankies that Darren got for Xmas and never used - donated

32. One of Darren's cartoon ties! - donated.

31. Lonsdale T-shirt of Darren's which doesn't fit him - donated.

30. Sympathy for the Skin body lotion that I never really liked, too sticky for my skin, the charity shop will probably chuck it - donated.

29. Green monsoon cardigan which always looked a bit misshapened on me - donated.

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